

class ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.CostFunctionDifferentiableTorch(**kwds)

Bases: ceml.costfunctions.costfunctions.CostFunctionDifferentiable

Base class of differentiable cost functions implemented in PyTorch.



Do not use this method!

Call ‘.backward()’ of the output tensor. After that, the gradient of each variable ‘myvar’ - that is supposed to have gradient - can be accessed as ‘myvar.grad’



class ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.DummyCost(**kwds)

Bases: ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.CostFunctionDifferentiableTorch

Dummy cost function - always returns zero.


Computes the loss - always return zero.

class ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.L1Cost(x_orig, **kwds)

Bases: ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.CostFunctionDifferentiableTorch

L1 cost function.


Computes the loss - l1 norm.

class ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.L2Cost(x_orig, **kwds)

Bases: ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.CostFunctionDifferentiableTorch

L2 cost function.


Computes the loss - l2 norm.

class ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.LMadCost(x_orig, mad, **kwds)

Bases: ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.CostFunctionDifferentiableTorch

Manhattan distance weighted feature-wise with the inverse median absolute deviation (MAD).


Computes the loss.

class ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.MinOfListCost(dist, samples, **kwds)

Bases: ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.CostFunctionDifferentiableTorch

Minimum distance to a list of data points.


Computes the loss.

class ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.NegLogLikelihoodCost(y_target, **kwds)

Bases: ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.CostFunctionDifferentiableTorch

Negative-log-likelihood cost function.


Computes the loss - negative-log-likelihood.

class ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.RegularizedCost(penalize_input, penalize_output, C=1.0, **kwds)

Bases: ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.CostFunctionDifferentiableTorch

Regularized cost function.


Computes the loss.

class ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.SquaredError(y_target, **kwds)

Bases: ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.costfunctions.CostFunctionDifferentiableTorch

Squared error cost function.


Computes the loss - squared error.


class ceml.backend.torch.optimizer.optimizer.TorchOptimizer(**kwds)

Bases: ceml.optim.optimizer.Optimizer

Wrapper for a PyTorch optimization algorithm.

The TorchOptimizer provides an interface for wrapping an arbitrary PyTorch optimization algorithm (see torch.optim) and minimizing a given loss function.

init(model, loss, x, optim, optim_args, lr_scheduler=None, lr_scheduler_args=None, tol=None, max_iter=1, grad_mask=None, device=torch.device)

Initializes all parameters.

  • model (instance of torch.nn.Module) – The model that is to be used.

  • loss (instance of ceml.backend.torch.costfunctions.RegularizedCost) – The loss that has to be minimized.

  • x (numpy.ndarray) – The starting value of x - usually this is the original input whose prediction has to be explained..

  • optim (instance of torch.optim.Optimizer) – Optimizer for minimizing the loss.

  • optim_args (dict) – Arguments of the optimization algorithm (e.g. learning rate, momentum, …)

  • lr_scheduler (Learning rate scheduler (see torch.optim.lr_scheduler)) –

    Learning rate scheduler (see torch.optim.lr_scheduler).

    The default is None.

  • lr_scheduler_args (dict, optional) –

    Arguments of the learning rate scheduler.

    The default is None.

  • tol (float, optional) –

    Tolerance for termination.

    The default is 0.0

  • max_iter (int, optional) –

    Maximum number of iterations.

    The default is 1.

  • grad_mask (numpy.array, optional) –

    Mask that is multiplied element wise on top of the gradient - can be used to hold some dimensions constant.

    If grad_mask is None, no gradient mask is used.

    The default is None.

  • device (torch.device) –

    Specifies the hardware device (e.g. cpu or gpu) we are working on.

    The default is torch.device(“cpu”).


TypeError – If the type of loss or model is not correct.